Leading by Experience…

in Securing Your European Permanent Residency

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Permanent Residency permit of Europe specially Cyprus and Greece, will allow you and your family to enjoy better European quality of life, live and work in investor friendly environment and get tax benefits.

Now, it is easier through us to get European Permanent Residency by investing as low as EUROS 300,000.

Get advise from our experienced team of PR Consultants, Legal Advisors, Investment Counselor’s, Finance Professionals and Property Advisors.


  1. Invest as low as EUROS 300,000 and get a Permanent Residency.
  2. Ease of doing business across Europe
  3. Cyprus offers you the lowest corporate tax among EU nations, at only 12.5%.
  4. As a Cyprus resident save on personal Income tax, worldwide dividends, capital gains tax and interest income
  5. Get residency for all your family members


  1. Get Permanent Residency by Investing in Real Estate starting from €250,000
  2. Permanent Residency for Spouses and children.
  3. Access to the Greek health service for free.
  4. No wealth tax
  5. Low property tax

+91 98456 11335
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+91 98456 11335